Crimson staff writer

Emily L. Ding

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sec library

The newest of Harvard’s libraries, the SEC library is home to a collection of books that spans numerous disciplines, depicts various histories of science and technology, and highlights STEM figures of different backgrounds.

robyn rosenberg

Robyn Rosenberg, the engineering librarian at the SEC library, curated the collection from scratch. “A lot of these books are written by non-white men, and we’re having a lot of international authors, women authors,” Rosenberg says.

Cambridge Passes Long-Debated Affordable Housing Amendments, Opening Door to Taller Developments

The Cambridge City Council voted 6-3 to pass a set of hotly debated amendments to the city’s 100%-Affordable Housing Zoning Overlay in a meeting Monday evening, setting the stage for taller, denser affordable housing developments throughout the city.

Cambridge City Council Votes Against Changes to Affordable Housing Overlay Amendments

The Cambridge City Council voted against revising amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay Monday evening, rejecting language that would have prioritized housing middle-income residents and altered the policy’s approach to building height.

Pearson IOP Forum

Tennessee State Rep. Justin J. Pearson, center, and March For Our Lives co-founder David M. Hogg ’23, right, discussed gun reform and state politics at a Wednesday Institute of Politics forum.

Cambridge Residents and Activists Rally at City Hall for Green New Deal Proposal

More than 70 Cambridge residents and activists gathered in front of Cambridge City Hall Wednesday afternoon in support of Cambridge Green New Deal policies that would mandate emissions reductions from large commercial buildings.